Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It was snowing today. Not just, oh look as flake or two of snow in the oh, remember how it used to be winter(?) sort of way. Not even, wait was that a snowflake? Not even snow that becomes water as it hits the ground. No, we had motherfucking SNOOOOW, snow! It accumulated. Now, I don't know about the weather where those of you out there in the internet ether live, but if you also had motherfucking snow, I am sorry.

It is April. April is a spring month. Not a month where spring starts, so okay there could be some winter. It is a spring, spring month. When I awoke this morning, in between tidbits about two strangers and a wedding, I heard in the forecast that it was snowing and raining today. I thought that was pretty shitty, and I could hear that it was wet out (my room is close to a busy street a little below street level), but I never imagined it would be anything but snow that becomes water. It might be really slushy snow that becomes water, but it couldn't be more then that; anything more would be against the laws of nature, this is April after all (spring!). But when I opened the front door to leave my house I saw a sight so horrifying I had to close the door again, retreat, and regroup before I actually left. There was snow on my stoop, and snow in my front flower bed. Not like little speck of snow, but snow. A blanket of snow. It covered things like a blanket. There was no dirt to be seen just snow. I could not believe my eyes. I gasped, there was gasping.

Later, when I had steeled myself enough emotionally to face it, it piled up on my sleeves like it does in a winter snowstorm. And I didn't walk from the bus stop to work, I trudged. I had too! There was too much snowy slush accumulated merely to walk through it. I had to trudge.

This is completely unacceptable. I want my spring, and I want it now. This is bullshit. We should not still have to have our heat on. Heat should be a luxury we turn on only because we want to, not because we have to! I want to be an imperialist dog using my heat to keep my apartment only marginally warmer then the temperature outside--not because I have to use it or my pipes might fucking freeze!!!!!!

I am sorry for the profanity in this post, but I just cannot take it anymore.


Jim said...

I applaud your outrage. Too many people come through Target complaining about a few days of rain when there are people starving for better weather in your part of the world. Hang in there, Red.

Anonymous said...

That was gorgeous. Some of the best writing you've done on here so far. Thank you.