Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just a day

A very rainy afternoon that I walked out into and got soaked. There is a new pair of jeans being laundered as we speak though--that is nice. I can wear them tomorrow while it rains.

We are watching "Children of Men" and my roomate Renee is pissed because of how it deviates from the book. I think it is pretty good. But I never started the book.

I feel like there was a half formed blog entry in my brain just a short while ago, but now it is gone.

And I am mad at amazon.com because I ordered "How I Met Your Mother" Season 1 on DVD on Sunday, and it hasn't even shipped yet which is total crap. Just total and complete crap.

Can half a glass of cab-sauv make you forget things? Maybe that is what happened.

Sometimes I wonder how much I allow my readership to dictate what I put in my blogs. Do I leave things out because I fear it will upset anyone who I know reads this? Do I scale particular topics and postings in such a manner as to ensure (or at least encourage) comments? Because somehow no comments makes it seem like whatever you wrote maybe didn't really exist (if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?). So, do I try to write comment friendly entries? I don't always comment on the blogs that I read, but I am sad when the blogger goes away for a while.

Podcasts are my new favorite thing. NPR ones especially. The latest episode of This American Life (which is actually a rerun from a year or so ago) is kind of amazingly brilliant. It is called 81 words, and you should all go to itunes right now and download it.


Jim said...

Right now, I like to put pictures up with each of my entries. I think it's more inviting to read something with a picture than just a block of ugly text.

I also think it's easier to read something that's shorter. Which is proven by the fact that most of my recent posts have been long and there have been few comments.

But part of that is like you said, or kind of said; even if you read, you don't always have a response.

chrissy. said...

just write what you want. it's your little space of the internets. we like you no matter what you have to say about whatever, you know (this coming from the girl that only puts up funny little videos on her blog)

Anonymous said...

I think that's something every blogger struggles with. I try not to write about things that will hurt other people. And there are personal topics I'd like to address on my blog that I can't, because I know my parents read it.

My posts have been rather thin lately both because I can't write about the things I want to write about and because I've been so busy. But I decided about this time last year that my blog is a forum for self-exploration, so that's what I try to do regularly, regardless of readership.

Only, now I'm also doing that in a different way (on paper, with a pen), which might also explain the sparseness of my posts.

Heather K said...

Yeah, the fullness of my blog over the last two years (whoa, two years!) corresponds directly to the incredible thinning of my journal over the same time period. But what is now in the journal is pretty much all really personal all the time. All the random shit ends up here.