Monday, June 29, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes

My boss just sent me cupcakes for my birthday.  I am sure he ordered them on Friday before he left on vacation when he realized that no one had done anything for my birthday at the office while I do all the birthday planning, but I feel this in no way diminishes how tasty and awesome they are.  They are from a bakery called More Cupcakes and they are totally delicious (and more frosting than cake).


Sally said...

That's really sweet of him. Shows you work in a good place.

Jim said...

Why should lateness diminish the gesture? Good man.

Heather K said...

Lateness doesn't diminish the gesture. It is just very my boss anyway and then on top of it I organize crazy things for birthdays and keep track of all of them and then he and everyone else were stunned that no one had done anything for my birthday (because I was going to spend a ton of energy planning a celebration for myself, weird no, and I am but in my life not at work). So Friday I am sure he realized all of this (well I know he did, I was there when it happened) and then made a call to get this set up for Monday.

Jim said...

Heather ... Haven't heard from you ... Hope all is well ...