Sunday, August 05, 2007


But fortunately, only one night of work this week. There will be some cleaning (someday I swear). Today there wasn't because Lifetime movies made from Nora Roberts books were calling my name. I am whupped. I need to pay some bills and get me to bed.

Someday I will be back to being mildly interesting. Someday. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think of it as cocooning. Resting. You've been busy, traveling, etc. Everybody/thing goes through dormant stages. We don't do it here as much in the Western hemisphere, we're too much about things happening, about gogogo until you die, but rest/quiet/meditation is a big part of many Eastern lifestyles.

Look at Taiko drumming. The rests in between the beats are considered to be at least as important as the beats themselves. You're just resting between drumbeats.