Thursday, September 13, 2007

Would I be a jerk if. . .?

See, I have this dilemma. A friend of mine here in Chicago seems to be kind of, well, in love with me for lack of a better explanation. A very long time ago, when we first met and before we were friends, we had a fling (and by fling I really mean one night stand). This fling is totally common knowledge amongst pretty much everyone we know because we kind of talk and joke about it constantly.

I was kind of a bitch to him right after it happened because I was a big raw emotional nerve still smarting from a really scarring break-up that happened mere months before and because I didn't really know him and kind of assumed he was just a tool (because nice, good guys were not as useful in my sad little brain as jerks were in getting back at aforementioned ex-boyfriend who had no idea any of this was happening--yeah, I know that makes no sense but it is an accurate representation of what my brain was thinking at the time, I told you I was a hot mess).

Then we got to be friends, and we are both part of the posse that moved from the University of Idaho to Chicago, and that group has formed a sort of family unit here. We hang out a lot, we celebrate family holidays together, and we overlook the fact that some of the people in the group have no love for others of the people in the group (Brian Bush and Angie are the example there), but we just decide to be together in spite of that--just like a real family. Now not all parts of this group spend equal time together. There are the girls who watch silly movies, and no boys come shopping with Schlegs and I (except sometimes Plummer in capacity as gay best friend), and there is the baseball fanatic group, and the football fanatic group, etc. The person who is in love with me and I tend mostly to see eachother only occassionally at the big whole "family" events.

Last spring, I first noticed the, "Hey, I think he might think he likes me!" business, but he had just gotten pretty horrificly dumped by a way serious girlfriend, so I chalked it up to a crush that would soon pass, like over the summer which he was spending in New Mexico. But he is back, and it seems not to have passed. It might have gotten more serious.

Now pretty much all of our friends here would be thrilled if we got together, and he is a good guy and I admit that there is some palpable attraction between the two of us, BUT (and I know you all knew that was coming) here is the thing. If I felt this way about a guy, just a random guy who nobody else really knew, I would for sure pursue it in a casual, "Let's just have fun and see where it goes," sort of way. However, I don't think this guy sees us in those terms, I think that he would see anything starting between us as FOR REALS. We jokingly compare him to a girl (and he once said there is a tiny little vagina in his heart--to defend his tears during "The Notebook"), and in this case it is true--he would play-forward the relationship in his mind (probably to our wedding/happily ever after) like girls are generally assumed to do.

Now, if this was again just a guy, that probably wouldn't give me too much pause, but he isn't just a guy. He is part of my family here, and if we didn't work out (and I am not really feeling this as more then just a for fun thing instead of a massive relationship thing), what would that do to our entire family? I think that would be rough. I also think it would especially suck to be the villain in that piece, and it seems very likely that that is exactly what I would be, so I have chosen the path where I just leave this alone unless I start to feel that I would be interested in giving this a big serious relationship go.

All that is background to the current dilemma. He has asked me to go with him to the opening of The Crucible at Steppenwolf. It would mean a free ticket to the show as well as an invitation to the cast, crew, important donors opening party because he works in their costume shop and as a member of the greater crew, has earned a spot for him and a +1. Now, he didn't couch this as a date in any way, but this will be the second or third time he has chosen me out of the group of our family and friends to get to do something like this. In fact, the only time he hasn't chosen me, he took Brian Bush when they lived together or he took the now ex-girlfriend, or he took all three of us, and that was before anyone else lived here. Since the others have moved here, and he has lived alone, he only seems to invite me. So, I have a suspiscion that he is using things he knows I will find irresistable to end up on a date-like situation with me. I really want to go, but I don't want to be a total jerk and keep using him in a manner that kind of feels like stringing him along. I really don't know what to do because I feel like I either get to not be a jerk or go to the fancy-schmancy opening. Any sort of help, advice, perspective is totally welcome in the coments.


Anonymous said...

Two options:

1) Just don't act like it's a date.
2) Throw the boy a mercy lay.

David said...

Hi Heather,

Quite funny you started your post as any other blog post and finished it like sort of "Dear Dr. Love" letter :)

I agree with the above Anonymous about not acting like it's a date. Besides, you could use as well this "friendly date" to settle that very same: just friends (settle it not by means of being a pompous and boring lecturer about friendship and love and life, but by being funny and warm, like a real good mate... you know what I mean?).

My second today's bright idea is you should clarify your mind, this is, whether you like him or not. I have seen too many women say "I loath him" and after a couple of turns fall in love, or realize they were in love since long before. Probably is not your case, but just to be sure...

You don't mention what kind of fling you had (it's not like I want to hear details, though...); you should know that, for a man, having sex or at least enough corporal contact with a woman ALWAYS means, to him, some degree of possession about her. Even though he doesn't love her.

Good luck, enjoy the show or whatever you do that night!

P.S: I like your posts, but I would like to see more pics.
I apologize for my erratic English, it's not my mother tongue.

Heather K said...

David, welcome to my blog.

I probably should clarify my feelings, but at this point because of the nature of our friendship and our group of friends, I feel it would be wrong of me to start anything with him if I wasn't definitely interested in following through with a full long-term relationship. Right now, I know I do not want a long term, serious relationship with him. I don't. In part, because I don't know that I want that with anyone and in part because I know I don't want that with/from him.

My roommate thinks I would be mean to go on this not-date with him (mean as in at least leading him on, a pet peeve of hers, she hates girls who lead people on).

A friend at work thinks I should go, leading him on be damned. He did invite me, he did nothing to intimate it was a date. Although she does believe it might be a good idea to have a talk with him about the entire situation, maybe bridge the, "Why are you in love with me?" gap. Or just spend more time with him, so he has to accept the day to day version of me in place of his on a pedestal half made up version of me. Then both of us might have an entirely different view of the situation.

Jim said...

This is me being harsh -> You accuse the boy of being all "Wow, our wedding will be wonderful ..." But you're doing the same thing. Rather than being excited about the possibilities, though, you're using that possible future scenario to justify your fear and therefore not take the chance. <- That was me being harsh, and a little psychological

You don't really know what it would be like until you try it out. And if it doesn't work ... well, you said yourself that the "family" survives with siblings that don't even like each other, so why would anyone blanch over a little incest?

My final thoughts ... You should be happy and/or comfortable being yourself and enjoying yourself. If you want to go to the Crucible, go to the Crucible. If he wants to date, well, y'know, take the chance or don't.

Also, do you really know what he's thinking without talking to him?

And I agree with David. I'd like to see more pictures as well. Maybe something a little off-the-shoulder with kittens.

chrissy. said...

i think it's a good idea to go and not treat it as a date. i mean, he didn't ask as a date. unless he does, don't worry about it. he might know that you're not into it by now anyway.

ABoller said...

oh shame....i miss my little family.....what a predicament friend....what do the girls think??
love you friend and miss you so!

Heather K said...

Jim--excellent point, well-taken, I am doing the exact same thing. Ok, true. Things to contemplate myself.

Angie--I think Anna is firmly in the Chris company where they believe he is my destiny (unless I fall for Anna's friend Sam first). Sara only wants me to date Brian if I want to date Brian, mostly she thinks it is funny.

Everyone--I get the time off work, so I am going because I do want to see it, and I am treating it as not a date unless I am given reason to otherwise.

Jim said...

I never watched this show, but I'm thinking ... Heather could star in a "Felicity" reality show; she's got the hair for it.

Heather K said...

and I wouldn't chop it off and ruin my tv show.