Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Several Things

Kitteh had to go back to vet as he licked the suture glue off his owie before it healed. Once at vet, he hissed at our wonderful Dr. Amy. He hissed at her A LOT! So much that she took him in the back to look at it and soak it in non-sting fixy medicine. She also gave him kitty advil and he is now on anti-biotics. Apparently he didn't have anything but hisses. He was not going to be a bad kitteh, he just made sounds like he was. He has also decided that the vet does not make him feel bad all the time. He sometimes gets to feel better. Which is good, as he really hates the vet.

However now he is wearing a cone which he spent most of last night trying to back out of. This is HILARIOUS! Because there is wiggling and this great look of consternation like why does he not get clear of this thing! It is great. He also seems to clip the edges of the cone against everything. And that cracks me up too. He is not amused at all. But he is feeling better.

Also had a conversation with my mother, my very Catholic mother, about the fact that I basically live with Sam now and that is the way life is now. Now, she actually acknowledged that she figured that was true (which I was kind of surprised by--because yes she should have figured that but no since she likes to ignore things that mess with the perceived reality of her choice) and she said, "Well I figured that was how it was, you do what you want." Which sounds like blessing, but I know by the tone that she basically thinks that I am a cocky punk ass who does what I want regardless which even if it is absolutely true, it is still kind of galling to realize that is how your mother thinks of you.


Anonymous said...

She doesn't actually think you're a cocky punk ass. She says, "You do what you want" so that it sounds like she's recognizing you're an adult, but is actually designed to make you feel guilty for upsetting your mother by truly being an adult.

Heather K said...

Totally working then.

Dropped At Birth said...

well. at least she doesn't think you're a lesbian like mine does! are you going home for christmas?

Heather K said...

I am going to Tulsa, OK for Christmas with the boyfriends family.

Tbert I cannot wait for updates.

chrissy. said...

oh, heather, you and your living in sin.

Dropped At Birth said...
