Saturday, December 02, 2006

Movies on the couch

That is what I have done all day today, after waking up really, really late. I did go out to blockbuster (three blocks away) once, but other then that, living on the couch.

I watched a bunch of episodes of West Wing Season 7, and now V for Vendetta is on, but the bulk of the day was taken up with Star Wars Episode 3 which sucks hard. Really, really, really, REALLY hard. I was very saddened by how heavy-handed and leaden the story-telling was. It was just terrible. Very, very disappointing (which is especially amazing when my expectations were that I probably wouldn't like it very much, it managed to be worse then my poor expectations).

Although I did discover that my roommate Renee is 'charismatic like Hitler.' Those are her words not mine, and I feel we all need to poke fun at her. She is a nazi and a fascist (she then made the mistake of telling me she isn't a real nazi but a new one--like we all don't see where I went with that one). Anyway, hilarious. Great fun.

Also, there will hopefully be changes at work since we have talked about how crappy one of our SASM's is with the manager and the manager will talk to the SASM on Tuesday. Awesome, huge relief. Also it is cold out and it won't be warmer tomorrow.


Jim said...

You roomate is a new nazi. That makes me think of New Coke and how no one liked it so they switched back to Classic.

That would be funny if in a few months your room switched back to Classic Nazi.

Heather K said...

Oh that is so now happening. I will tell her about this immediately, if she hasn't already read it. Apparently Jude Law has joined her in being charismatic like Hitler.

Anonymous said...

in my defense i said "i am charismatic LIKE hitler" not "i AM hitler" and you are the one who called me a nazi...remeber????