Monday, August 30, 2010

Making Some Getting Things Done Changes

I am trying out some strategies that encourage me to actually complete some of my high falutin' ideas. I tend to plan lots of things and execute many less which isn't that big of a deal except often my planning is derailed by reruns of bad tv on cable, and it shouldn't have to be that way.

So the new strategies are leaving the house to get BBT blogging done, and doing it 2-3 times a week at a Lavazza coffee shop or an Argo Tea or anywhere that my laptop and me can get connected. This should help with being good at blogging here. They are involving others in my planned projects, so I cannot back down from them without disappointing others (because I am Catholic and guilt as a motivating factor is in my blood) which led to me inviting 6ish people over for a quilting bee in two weeks. And basically just keeping me away from the Law & Order reruns and kept accountable by others. The 2nd Saturdays of art are for this too, not all my plans are for work, some are for fun!


Jim said...

You are one big bag of doing things. I applaud this.

word verification: "anklyn" - what lovers do.

Heather K said...

I so far have not mastered the go to coffee/tea shop to blog for BBT.

But I am doing well on the other things. Mostly because Quilting + tv works well.

After Rehearsal said...

We need to hang out woman. Let's be crafty crafters together. I am also taking a class that you LOVE!