1. Nerds that are flavored something "coated" something look strange. They are oddly matte and the top coat is a little translucent, but it does not seem to affect their taste.
2. I do not know if the non-passage of the buyout is a good thing or a bad thing. I do know that Warren Buffet felt it was very important. I also know that Jimmy Buffet sings Margaritaville and Warren Buffet is the guy from Nebraska who seems to have a really good grasp of economic markets.
3. The good thing about being the cheapest person in you office is, if things get bad, it would make more sense for them to fire a lot of people before you. Two since you are the one who can work the simple things and handle the annoying shit jobs and you aren't expensive, they will keep you around pretty long to make the lives of the people who's jobs got harder during layoffs not *quite* that bad. Not that my workplace seems to be hurting, we seem fine. But, my bank failed last week and I needed to think through a contingency plan.
4. My new roommate Azar seems never to have assembled a bed or seen a bed assembled before last night.
5. She also thinks it weird that last spring Johnny B, Chris and I decided that we should have some sort of emergency phone tree/meeting place in case something really awful happened. Like flooding or tornado or earthquake or terrorist attack or something. Since here in the city none of us have family except eachother. This is also why I have my roomie's parents contact info as well as Sam's parents' contact info. When my roomie went to the emergency room like a year ago, I realized I needed that. Because what if something bad happens and they can't use their phone or I can't get to their phone to get the numbers? It sort of put me in a panic. Azar thinks I am insane. She also thinks that John, Chris, and I would be a very hysterical group to be making plans.
6. I put about 65 episodes of "This American Life" the radio show on my old nano and let my boss take it on her round trip train trip to Minneapolis. She was looking forward to it while she was stuck on the train with her 13 year old (who came up with the train travel idea), but the 13 year old listened to it the entire way both ways. She is very greatful.
7. Letting the big head boss play in ping pong tournaments seriously impacts the ability to finish tournaments. Unless the only thing that they have to do is play tournaments, but that seems not to be the case in the instance to which I refer.
8. I kind of like laffy taffy jokes if only because I like trying to reason out what the "punchline" would be.
9. I think Sam and I on the Amazing Race would be hilariously good TV because he is fairly travel savvy but completely untechnical and city boy. I am not so good with the travel savvy BUT I can put things together and will try to do stupid stuff to win. Also Sam only pretends not to be competitive. He really likes to win stuff.