Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sam seems to be the one responsible for me getting to work vaguely on time

Because I can't seem to do it myself. Well and the main problem is that there is no consequence, and it isn't like I come in whenever I want I just don't get there until like 15 after 8 instead of 8 which. . .whatever no one calls then, hardly anyone bothers to come in then. Big deal. I just would be catastrophically late (or close to it) if Sam weren't there to nudge me along and get me out of the house. That is what he does most days. Without him this week things have been a little more rocky. This is what I have been working on avoiding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I was so very good at clerical work that employers put up with my chronic lateness, because I could never get my ass into the office before nine. Fortunately, they all seemed to find my skill set more important than my promptness.