Thursday, September 18, 2008

Am I sick or am I just a mess?

That has been the question lately.  It has been a season of not wanting to climb out of the covers in the morning (and by season I mean like two weeks).  At first, it was easy to blame it on Sam being in Iceland, but he has been back for a week and well.  That makes it not work as an excuse.
But I just feel like I don't like it.  I have no idea what it is, but I no like it.  Maybe I need to devote some more time to things that make me happy.  And more walking/jogging.  That could perk me up a bit.  I don't know.  It is just plehhhhhh.  Or something.
Anyone want to send me a hug or a smile, please go right ahead I might need it.  Either that or I am sneaking some of Sam's happy meds.


Anonymous said...

I have been going through the exact same thing, and while I had a birthday to cheer me up and to look forward to, it's still been hard to get around to doing things.

I'm blaming it on not enough summer. Not enough summer weather and not enough summer time. As in, I need about six more months of summer before I will be ready to get back to my regularly scheduled life.

Dropped At Birth said...

hilarious. i'm actually feeling very blah too. i was thinking it was because the new bed i got has been REALLY comfortable--after 6 months of hardwood flooring you know. but blah is the word. however--i'm the opposite--it's STILL freaking hot here and i'm wondering when the crisp fall weather will arrive so that i can start perking up a bit!


are you going to head back west for thanksgiving?

Heather K said...

I think I need more summer too. I also think I need to stop agreeing to help other people out for no reason. I have been welcome to chicago tour guide mom to too many people.

That gig rules when someone is in town for like one day or two days and I see them once or twice. And also rules if they are people I dearly love and hardly ever see (looking at you Sally).

It does not rule when they are people I hardly know and feel obligated to help. It also is sucky when someone is moving here and needs/wants me to do this for weeks!! You moved here, suck it up and learn the trains and buses. I moved here too, with NO ONE to help me. I read maps, I got books, I explored by myself. I googled places I needed to get to or shop at, and I just figured out how to carry shit home. No one I knew had a car. I just made it work. I don't want to be other people's pack horses/nannies anymore. I am done. I am not a jerk and will help you move in. I can get zip cars now, so I may even help you go to costco or ikea, but I expect to be the wheels and not a lot else. And I don't think I am being unreasonable.

Also I miss when most of my visitors were people I dearly loved. I need more Sally and Erin and less random people who I like but aren't my peoples. Although Bridget Esterhuizen gets mad props for being very, very self-reliant when she was here. I respect that in people thinking of moving to a big city.

Maybe I just need to feel less obligated towards southern hospitality to anyone I have ever met who comes to Chicago for any reason at all.

Unknown said...

Wowzer, lady! Did you have some things you needed to get off of your chest? Maybe that is why you are feeling so poopy....LET IT OUT!! LET IT FREE!!
Here is a *hug* and a smile :o) for you!


Margaret said...

What's a zip car?

Heather K said...

It is a car that you can rent by the hour from an organization that covers all the gas and insurance and everything. Plus they are parked all over town. Near your house, your work wherever. They are kind of awesome, and if you belong to zip car you can rent them all over the country.

Anonymous said...

Well, you ARE a kick-ass tour guide, deary! You can start referring people to Emily and I. :) We can take on some of the work load. Have I told you lately how grateful I was for your above-and-beyond help??? LOVE and respect, dude.---Bridget E.