Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Leaving it behind

Breaking up with it.

Ditching it.

I am so not into it.

The ponytail.

I have decided that I am breaking up with the ponytail. It isn't flattering on my curly hair, and it just looks lazy and sloppy. A nice braid is a way better alternative, so is a well constructed bun, some Harold and Maude braids, or a nice little faux thirties knot at the back of my neck. All of those look generally thought through and worked on even if they come with a degree of quick fix hair or bad hair day solutions.

Now obviously, I will still use the ponytail when I go work out (stop laughing, bear with me, I am sure I sometimes work out). I will still use it to do chores around the house. It is still an option for laying about in my jammies. I can still do it to temporarily pull hair out of my face while filing at work or working on sewing and quilting at home. But I am just not going to make it my default anymore. I am being put together-ish.


Sally said...

Excellent decision. I think it will serve you well.

I, however, in all my grownup dressed-upness am currently rocking the ponytail (of course the straightish hair makes a big difference).

Verifier: tosses. As in what I am defiantl doing with m ponytail.

Heather K said...

Straight hair makes a major difference!!

Straight hair plus pony tail can very easily become sleek and sophisticated.

My ponytail is however not at all sleek or straight and kind of looks bushy and nappy. Well it can look that bad, and sometimes it looks okay but it almost never looks good.