Monday, January 16, 2006

Silly me

I met a boy last night (thank you Emily Gann--now Korff), and he was pretty cool, so we shall see what happens. I was a little worried about the being fixed up thing, but I now realize (as I should have all along) that Emily is to be trusted and wouldn't do something like this in a stupid way because she does know me very, very well.

I got my digital camera, so hopefully soon I will have photo albums on the web and things like that. I have been a pretty productive person lately, so that is cool. Working on making that a permanent thing.

I don't really have a lot to say today--heard a crazy story about my younger brother and porn, my parents are in Reno and my mom bought a pair of sevens jeans because she is obviously having a midlife crisis and that means she will live past 100, my sister is shockingly insane in what she expects from the opposite sex, and that is really all. But here is my message for my blog friends--how come Jim is the only one who can get his ass together and blog when his computer is in fact in the computer hospital? Margaret gets some what of a pass for being on the bulletin board. That is all.


Jim said...

Honestly, Heather, I'm not the most consistent poster of the bunch. Chrissy and Margaret, I would say, are at the top, with their regular posting schedules, even if they sometimes don't post for a few days.

Heather K said...

These few days Jim it has just been us. Chrissy and the Marg are slacking!