Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Moving or "I wonder how I got that bruise?"

We have moved. There are boxes everywhere and someday we will paint (tomorrow? tonight? soon?). Next weekend/week everything should get settled in. This was the longest move ever!!! I have way, way too much shit, and I thought I had done a good job of throwing things out. Not so much.

We need another key for our apartment, we need gas, we need stuff for the kitty we get tomorrow morning. I don't know where our mailbox is. I cleaned a shower for three hours, and it went from gray and off-white to gleaming white--which was strangely satisfying and super gross all at once.

My show opened, barely, kind of. It was the train wreck of all train wrecks with the 'opening' essentially also functioning as only dress/tech. Somehow it was kind of good (it should have been awful). Someday I will write more about the show.

I have a date tonight, and hopefully once I am settled blogging will be a thing that happens more. Hopefully!

Also insanity seems to be spreading through my office.


Jim said...

Yes, but have you seen either Heroes or House?!?

Heather K said...

No and no. I know it sucks.

I am not even sure when we are going to have cable because presumably a cable guy would have to get into our living room to do that.

Jim said...

No Heroes? No House? I can't imagine what that must be like. To never see the sun. To never breath fresh air. To never love.

Anonymous said...


HeaTHER has a Date tonight! HeaTHER has a Date tonight!

I hope it went well. Better than your opening, at least.