Monday, June 16, 2008

Job Update

They don't know what went wrong except that somehow we didn't get put on the bill when we asked because the other people never turned their power off.  And somehow that got all glitched up.  We will have to pay the whole shebang, but we may have some time and it should not cost too terribly much (our house mostly runs on gas--or all the expensive stuff does).  It looks like we could get power back by the end of this week and we should get it back by early next week at the latest.  Although, the worst case scenario is getting it back July 2nd or 3rd.  Because that won't totally suck.  That is however the longest it will take.  So everyone cross their fingers and pray to the god of electricity.

1 comment:

chrissy. said...

next time you talk to them, you should just say, "bullshit", to like, everything they say. oh wait, do that after your power comes back on.