Monday, August 04, 2008

Back in town

Although, my usefulness of day off work curtailed by rain. I am not going to drag a suitcase and wander around Chicago in the rain, at least not until I have seen all the episodes of MI:5 that are on the DVD with me here in Sam's apartment.

Reunion was mostly fun. Some of my relatives get really worked up for no reason. My sister is an early draftee of my generation to that grouping. Also children get very tall very quickly. I made it to the second round of the horseshoe tournament--with a ringer--and I played a lot of volleyball. I am now very sore, but volleyball was great fun. My cousin Brandon is a pinch older than I am and his uncle Mark and I played volleyball far away from the overexcited people and with the teenagers who thought we were all very cool.

I did get to see a bunch of my Missouri family who had flown in from out of town which was awesome! My grandmother gave me cab money and made me promise not to take the train from the airport, my mother not to be outdone also gave me cabfare, so I was totally set. Now I am back in Chicago, not working today since I came in so late last night.

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