Friday, August 15, 2008

Blog and wordle explanation

Ok, so my friend Anna made a wordle of my blog. So I made a wordle my blog.

Then she scolded me for the gigantic-ness of Alfred versus the tiny-ness of Sam and Sam's. And I thought she had a point. So I wrote yesterday's blog post. AND THEN I made a wordle of my new blog. And she accused me of cheating. And I may have perhaps gone overboard. Just a little.

So I went back and pasted all the titles and text of my blog for the month of July into a wordle. Figuring that would be a more realistic pictorial representation of my blog. You know because I only talked about Alfred pertaining to one event that got a couple of posts because I was bored.

So that explains yesterday. Also I may have made a wordle of Sally's blog that I think is really, really pretty. So I am including it. Because I like it.


Anonymous said...

Those are coooool! I had to upgrade Java to look at them. You need version 6.7.something-or-other, and it turns out I had version 1.4.6 on my computer. No wonder it wasn't working.

-al said...

thank gods for the 'search' function in blogger. i had no idea who the hell alfred was.
sorry alfred.

Heather K said...

Alfred is Sam's best friend. Doesn't that make everything a little scandalous.