I do not know what is up with this week, but it needs to knock it the hell off. I feel like it is out to get me and to make everything as hard as it possibly can for me. Thank God I have the day off tomorrow!! And I will be using it to see Pirate Radio with Sally and also to tidy up our apartment which is a total disaster.
I have however actually started really watching Dr. Who. And I like it. It is super fun, and I love me the Eccleston Doctor (which is the only one that I have watched so far). This is a little upsetting because I am change resistant and I know that he will not be changed out soon.
I don't really have anything else to write, but I felt that I should post.
Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor is one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. He's dangerous. And smart.
And WAIT until you get to The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. It was that two-parter that made me fall head over heels for Eccleston's Doctor. And what has made switching to David Tennant all but impossible for me. In fact, when you get to those two, call me. I'll happily watch them with you. (They are also some of the most terrifying television I have ever seen. Awesome and terrifying.)
OOOH. Those are also the episodes were you meet Captain Jack. Mmmmm... Captain Jack...
I watched those ones. They are on demand on my netflix.
PS I now wonder if the problems with the Large Hadron Collider are actually fixes by the Doctor.
I'm bouncing around Blogger tonight. Empty Child is really good, it might be at classic Dr Who level. Self promotion: glimpses of Dr Who drawings done by me can be found via my profile-- "The Visual Device Laughs". Back to boinging 'round Blogger.
i am sorry to hear your week sucks too! but, dr who is a healing balm, srs. i thought i wouldn't like tennant either, but he's great.
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