Monday, April 28, 2008

Kitty, kitty Snip Snip

Steve McQueen, my cat, gets his boy parts altered tomorrow. He will no longer be capable of making little kitties. He has spent a portion of this evening since I have been home meowing at one of our pieces of wall art as if it might talk back. Yeah, he is a strange one. But apparently our wall art may be to ceiling cat what the virgin Mary is to God. Or something?

Long day of rehearsal. For some reason, this episodes process has been just off, in all sorts of ways. And in so many ways that it isn't even one thing or person's fault. It is however almost done, so next week there will be show.


Anonymous said...

Dave & I lived in this awesome loft in Portland for a while that had a 20 foot hallway that opened out into a room with 18 foot ceilings. It was gorgeous.

In the middle of the night, our male cat (the one we had at the time) liked to wander into that hallway and yowl. For no reason we could determine. We decided he just liked the way his voice sounded in the echoey space.

Heather K said...

HA! That is wonderful!