Friday, August 07, 2009

Things I pondered today while on a bathroom break

I don't love my job. In my defense I am not sure what job I would love. Well I think I would love blogging and tweeting as a full time job and some people do that, but I think I too lazy to work my butt off how it should be to get my own blog in the state for that to happen, and I don't know how you get hired for that job otherwise. Like, where would I get that gig? But related to that I might see if I can work my way on to be a contributer to a few local blogs I read, but I bet I have to clean some stuff up to get there. Yes, Julie and Julia and Diablo Cody are leading me to the fantasy of my blog being discovered and me being somehow magically not doing my current job and doing something cooler. Ok, this was not what this post was supposed to be about. It was supposed to start like this:

I don't love my job, but I am kind of apathetic about working right now and think no one REALLY loves their jobs, like 5 people do, and I didn't win that lottery, instead I won the one where I have naturally curly red hair and tons of it, so I don't get to complain. But arguably, I do like the part where I get stuff ready for my boss and take care of him and get him all settled and calm, you know like a nanny or a mom or a 1950's housewife. WHAT? Yes, I said that. Would it then make more sense for me to start having some babies and be one?

Ladies and gentlemen I started to ponder this today.

Then I thought it all the way through and went, ummmmmm NO. Because here is the thing, I can quit this job. Or find a new one. I don't think that is really how it works with being a mom. I guess I could be a nanny, but I didn't really like that when I did it either. Anyway, the point is that popping out babies is not a good choice for me right now. AT ALL. And I weirdly pondered it as a solution to not really loving my job. So maybe I need another job. Or maybe this is really just post-vacation work dislike. I mean what work does anyone like when they come back from a week of vacation?


Jim said...

When you said "popping out babies" I imagined one of those guns that pops out the little white balls. If it was like that, I'd be willing to give birth.

Word Verification= "hollyow" - when you run into the tree at christmas

Sally said...

I loved my job when I was teaching. I really hope I can find a way to do that again.

It sounds like you might enjoy being a personal assistant, though I have no idea how one gets a gig like that. Plus, it's a LOT of work. But it's the kind of thing I do when I volunteer at Jazz Fest and it can be really fun.

Heather K said...

I think it would be fun to be a personal assistant for someone I really liked. I think like I would enjoy that. I have daydreams that Vince Vaughn really does move into the Palmolive Building down the street and somehow hires me as his chicago based assitant and I like keep the place tidy and checked in on while he is not here and he has like a cat there that I play with for a few hours everyday and I like use his place as like my place to work on my stuff and I have to work a lot when he is here and less when he isn't and I somehow come up with genius movie ideas and he films movies here and I get tiny parts and well you see how this is a fun silly daydream.