Monday, November 02, 2009


Ok, I signed up I did it. I have no idea how I will write a novel, be in a show and take a quilting class that includes me making a quilt BUT I will try. I also have not started nor have I any ideas on what I will write about. So there is that. Jim, Sally, I hope you are happy.


Robyn said...

Be my writing buddy! I'm rhswords

Heather K said...

Ok, I am fire4hairlady

Sally said...

My recommendation to you is to just sit down and start writing. Think of a general, generic plot and go. It doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to not suck, it just has to go on paper. Remember your story from this summer? You can start with it, or you can write something else. All that matters is the writing it down.

Jim said...

I would suggest cheating. Write about yourself but don't tell anyone. Shhhh! And, not to disagree with Sally, but try to write something good. If you don't keep yourself interested and challenged, there'll be no reason to continue.

I will support you! And add you as a writing buddy ...

Heather K said...

I am at zero word count, but I may write like crazy when my friend Sam (a girl) comes over to catch up on top chef tomorrow night because I have seen them all.

Sally said...

By telling you to just write and to not worry about it sucking, I am simply giving your inner critic permission to not be involved. That makes NaNo (and all creative endeavors, frankly) MUCH more likely to happen.

When we lock up is when we think it has to be perfect. It doesn't. It just has to be a first draft. You should definitely try to make it interesting for yourself, but first you have to get out of your own way.