Monday, July 30, 2007

Back at work, sigh

So, here I am back in Chicago. Anna and I went out for dinner last night, and I filled her in on all that happened away. Drama at the wedding, gossip gleaned from the wedding, drama that happened here while I was gone to the wedding. Basically people I know are pretty ridiculous, and it turns out I may have to include myself in that number.

Johnny B and I rehashed the HP7 on the phone, and I heard from he and SJ how the honeymoon was. I remembered that Courtney reads this blog (or has in the past), and it turns out she is a little intrigued by the me and David-ness that has been written about here.

Speaking of the me and David-ness, we have gotten into two long and borderline heated discussions about both politics and religion (one each) in the less than a week since I last saw him in person. Heated because we don't really agree on anything in those veins. He's a Republican, and I am a dyed-in-the-wool idealist of a Democrat. I admire people of faith but really feel it hasn't worked for me in a long, long time, and I am easily turned off by the partisanship of most religions (and the I'm right, you're wrong mentality it engenders). He has been attending Christ Church in Moscow. I only discovered that last night. Yeah, Christ Church (Sally you read that right, it is who you think)--their pastor has come under fire from many, many people and groups including the Southern Poverty Law Center. I am not a fan of their views. Yeah, so that was quite a shock. Churches are one thing, but I didn't imagine that people I knew would attend that church of all churches (and my own prejudice rears its head).

Now I am beginning to question what it is I find attractive in the kind of guys who initially seem like me, but are strongly persuaded by right-wing Christian Fundamentalist Evenagelicals? Really, what the heck? This is not the first time for me--many of you know the story of the ex-boyfriend who came to be known as Jesus Boy. It is kind of freaking me out. I am probably beginning to blow it all out of proportion. But it was shocking to me.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't surprise me. Any of the stuff you just wrote here.

I must admit, HIM sneaking through my yard with his weapon out would scare the bejeezus out of me, so it's probably a good thing he'll be doing that someplace else.

Heather K said...

Laughing so hard.

Anonymous said...

We tend to assume that those who we admire, or just enjoy being around, are like us when it comes to how we view the world.

Frankly, if he's attending Christ Church, he's searching for Big All-Knowing Daddy(tm) to tell him how to live his life, because he is (and others who gravitate to strict moralist organizations are) afraid to do the heavy lifting of sorting out a moral code for themselves.

Heather K said...

Big All-Knowing Daddy is trademarked?

Wow! Who knew?

I know that I am perpetually guilty of assuming all my friends come from identical backgrounds, even when I know that a great deal of their appeal is the way their backgrounds vary from mine.

I had never thought about personal moral code being heavy lifting. My parents just sort of steered us in the direction of being responsible for figuring that out for ourselves. Although, it is easier to follow it, if you grow it yourself.

Anonymous said...

The world is a complex and chaotic place. Sorting it all out takes a great deal of personal fortitude.

Subsuming your moral self to any outside agency is a cop-out.