Monday, July 09, 2007

Sweet Mother of God

My life has sort of been all jostled around and turned upside-down in the last weekend. Chris will not be being my roomie (no hard feelings there, I cannot blame him for the choice he made), so now we are one roommate down as of Friday. July is okay, but I do not know what the fuck we are going to do after that.

We are looking for a temporary roommate, we are looking for people to take over the lease and start afresh in August. We are looking for anything at all that means someone else will be paying a portion of our rent come August. I am telling everyone I know who might have any sort of lead on any sort of solution to this.

Saturday night was hysterical crying panic night. I have moved beyond that to problem solving, moving past the shitty stuff mode. I just want it solved and done (and I would prefer not to be moving until October because I am leaving for a week and a half to go back to Washington between now and August 1st). So everyone think good thoughts for me.

Here is my horoscope for this morning (well the beginning of it): "You may feel as if your life has been dragged over the coals these last three weeks as Mercury retraced its steps in your sign." Yeah, no shit!

Oh, and our air conditioning is broken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Happy July?

If you're going to be in the area, Dave's show Interment is going up at IRT the 19th, 20th, 26th & 27th (that's Thursday, Friday, Thursday, Friday). He wrote it for Maggie and it's going to be awesome. Just, you know, in case you don't have enough to do already.