Sunday, August 12, 2007

Headshots have arrived

It is bizarrely strange to look at headshots of yourself in large groups. I find it especially odd since I never really feel like they look all that much like me. Now I don't mean that I think they look way different or anything. I very much recognize close similarities to myself, but they never look quite like I think that I look. It is more like looking at photos of much older family members when they were young or even a cousin or a sister who just shares a striking resemblance.

They turned out great though. Tons of good ones to pick from which is great. There aren't too many serious faces because well my face just looks weird when I am being serious. It does. I look like I am faking--not at all what you want in a headshot. If you are on My Space, I have them posted in my photos, please have a look (I know that some of you already have) weigh in, etc. I will post a few of the top, top ones here for feedback too, and if you have a flikr account, they will be there, and I can invite you to be my friend and family so that you can look at them.

Here we go:

The second one is my favorite. :) Tell me what you think.

Oh, also, I really feel like I do not remotely look my age. I kind of knew that, but looking at some of these photos, it is astounding I have ever been able to buy drinks without getting carded! It is ridiculous how young I look. I may look older in some of my senior photos--which were taken ELEVEN years ago, right before my senior year.


Margaret said...

Oooh ooh, I love playing the headshot critique game. Whenever I see a bunch of headshots I compulsively critique them. :)

My favorite is the second to last one. The expression actually makes the pic look like you. It also seems to be the only one your face isn't washed out in. You're right that they mostly don't look like you. I also just noticed that your eyebrows seem to have not shown up to the photo shoot. Maybe they had something else to do?

In general, they look like the need a bit of color balance work in Photoshop. After all, you have red hair and normal skin color in real life.

Heather K said...

I really like the second to last one to, for the same reason, that one looks like I actually think I look on a regular basis.

I had not realized that I have no eyebrows, but it seems to be true. That might have been my fault with the makeup.

I suck at photo shop, but we do have a whole art department at work, and when I pick one or two or maybe three to be the main ones to use, I will see if one of the artist types will help me out. Although if any of you would like to have some fun with photo shop, I can make that happen too.

Plus did anyone else notice that Margaret put an evil smiley face behind her comment of compulsive critiqueing.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the next-to-last shot looks most like you. Unfortunately, it also seems to hide most of your face, which may not be helpful.

They're all gorgeous. Especially the second one.

Anonymous said...

The second one? The one that looks like you'll do just about anything for another sweet, sweet hit of smack?

Heather K said...

I do look like I need some smack in the second one. Although I am a junkie who knows how to use some hair product there. Awesome!

Jim said...

Was that Chrissy? Sorry, when I think of smack, I think of her.

Strange, but I had kind of picked the second to last as well. It's got the most definition and the best smile. I'm gonna play with it in Photoshop.

chrissy. said...

no, it was not me! although i do like that yummy black tar heroin.....

i like the last one and the 2nd to last one, m'self.

laurenj said...

But, also, in your senior pictures you were wearing wranglers, so this is an improvement. And you may look young in a fresh-faced way, but not in a clueless way.

I also vote second to last.

Heather K said...

For the record, although I did wear wranglers at school, I was over that by the time my Junior year rolled around. I just wore regular schmegular Levi's, and I in fact wore shorts in my senior pictures and a totally hideous dress that my mother 'borrowed' and then kept (oh, did I mention she picked it out and made me buy--although with her money).

Jim feel free to photoshop away.

macaela said...

I must agree the second to last reveals your personality the most. It's the look you get on your face right before you say something sarcastic!