Thursday, November 15, 2007

I met the parents and other relationship related topics

Because it turns out Sam and I are in a relationship, and I like it that way and it seems he does too--although we haven't really talked about. The signs are all there. My last relationship (and I am not counting the almost relationship I kind of had this summer because of all the qualifiers involved) suffered from me being way too clingy and forcing myself into his life which turns out he didn't like, so this time I want to avoid that. Last time I didn't really give it much thought. This time I have tried to make sure I am not just assuming he wants me to come over or assuming he wants to come over, but frequently he invites me over or just bundles me into a taxi back to his house.

Speaking of his house, the doormen of his building lent us a Mies van der Rohe documentary last night, and it was very surreal to watch a documentary about a building (well one segment only) that you are actually in while you are watching it. Very odd, but the movie "Super or Regular" does capture the beauty of his building which on first glance looks like a lot of other glass and steel apartment buildings. You wouldn't know that it was the first one ever and that they were not sure people would want to live in a house with floor to ceiling windows.

Also the reults of the parent meeting went well. His parents are wonderful, smart, funny, lively people. I loved them. He said they liked me and gave me no further information. My sister saw photos of the two of us and told me that we look alike. Which I guess I kind of see, but also no. Her roommate thinks she is crazy. I include a picture of us here for your curiousity. Sara took it at our housewarming party way back when we were barely dating. Also there was drinking at the party and SJ was not always giving fair warning that pictures were going to happen.

I am trying to think if there is anything much exciting else to tell but not really no. I guess that is all exciting enough.


-al said...

Hmmm, don't really see the whole looking alike thing. [insert nose(s) joke here]
It does, however, look like you are in the villain's lair in an old Batman TV show. Does your floor slant?

Heather K said...

Nose jokes, so mean!

I don't think our floor slants--it isn't like I live in the sinking apartment back in the burg.

I don't really see the resemblance either, but my sister also saw very different closer up pictures.

chrissy. said...

you know, i don't see any resemblance either.

Jim said...

And I agree with your sister. It takes a little imagination because Sam appears to be making a face in this picture, but if his face were normal ... I think there is a distinct resemblance. Not so much that people would mistake you for brother and sister, but enough that they might think you were a cuter couple.

The similar glasses help.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I see the resemblance! You're both wearing glasses! And clothes! And shoes! And you're both holding plastic cups of booze! You could be related!

Sorry, that's all I've got, but he looks like a nice guy. Who needs to swallow his drink.

Heather K said...

Sara Jo was mean with the jump out and picture you at the party, or there is the distinct possibility that I was drinking quite a lot and not good at focusing attention as were many others at the party.

Our glasses are almost identical. So much so that it can cause confusion. So far no one has taken the wrong pair home.

He is super nice. Maybe I will get my sister's roomie to email me the pics she took that caused the initial comparison.