Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sam is right about everything

He is. He just is. He isn't know-it-all about it, and he even sometimes seems embarrassed about it, like he would try to be wrong if he thought that would work. I am usually the one who is always right, and I am not so humble about it. I can be a know-it-all pain in the ass. I can. I probably am. Sam not so much. He just simply is right, and he knows a lot more stuff than I do. He is kind of amazing that way.

Amazing and a little infuriating. Last night he was even right about things he shouldn't have been right about, like how long a red hand flashes on a crosswalk and whether or not we would have time to cross. It was like the world was conspiring against me in order to make him right about absolutely everything.

And yet, we spent most of the evening laughing, even about that because Sam smiles and laughs more then pretty much anyone I have ever met. He even greets what would be totally inflaming situations for basically every other person on earth with a shrug and a smile or a giggle. I don't know what it would take to get Sam upset. It is kind of like he only has three moods happy, tired, and content. There is nothing else. He is never mad or bitter or moody. I have dated too many bitter, moody men before him, and that would make me angry at them because if they were moody or bitter I would end up being that too, or I would spend a great deal of effort trying to fix their problems or cheer them up, and none of that effort would ever be appreciated. I don't have to cheer Sam up, he does it himself. I have not had to ignore his mood to get on with the rest of our evening or day. His mood always seems to be fun, often more fun than my mood. I will gladly join his mood and go along for the ride.

OK, yeah this got mushy fast. It was not intended to be some sort of adoration of Sam and his happy smarts, but that looks like that is what it is. I wish you guys could meet him--those of you who haven't. He is great.


Jim said...
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Jim said...

Your boyfriend giggles.

"Happy, tired and content." He sounds like a puppy.

I think I speak for everyone when i say your boyfriend is the greatest person alive. Maybe ever. He is LEGEN - wait for it ...


Anonymous said...

He sounds like a guy to keep around for a while. As long as possible, really.

Heather K said...

Sally--that is the current plan and he seems to think the same about me.

Jim--are you saying I have made up this Sam? And yes, he giggles. He giggles a lot, he even manages to giggle via text message and email.

Jim said...

No way! I don't think you've made up Sam at all! I just think he's a giggling puppy.


macaela said...

You have got it bad girl. I can practically hear you grinnning when you blog about him. Oh and give me your mailing address!

Sassy said...

sounds like a keeper!!