Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do not worry, things are looking up

I mean in general.  There is much less crappiness than last week.  I am again in one of those funks where I just really, really wish life could in general be a little less hard like it seems to be for some people I see outside me.  I mean it probably isn't, this is just my sad puppy perception.  But I do really wish things could stay easier for more than like a week at a time.  Like where did I not learn all the life lessons that make other people seem to get by all happily, you know?  Was that what I traded in the genetic or life lottery in order to get nice legs and red curly hair?  I would gladly trade if that is the case.  And I get that I am responsible for some of the problems I had, that I made dumb choices that had foreseen and underestimated or unforseen consequences.  I get that.  But it just sucks.  I was going to expound on that, but I can't really add anything.  It sucks when you fuck things up.  It even sucks harder when you don't fuck things up but they get all fucked up anyway, that seems to be the theme song of my life lately.  Well, it is not as dire as all that, and that blanket statement could be true of any number of people I know many of whom are like myself far happier and healthier than a lot of others at the specific point in time in which I write this.  I have many things to be thankful for.  And it would probably do me well to be thankful for them and to focus on the things I can change.

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