Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

I am tired. I had a pretty busy holiday season, and I was hoping for the New Year's portion to be a little easier, but then my sister came and my free time to accomplish things disappeared in a poof of smoke.

Anyway, as a result I was kind of a whiny brat to go home early from a birthday party on Friday night, and I fell asleep in a big heap on the bed at like 11pm and slept and slept and slept until today.

Having my sister and her boyfriend here was wonderful!! We ate out, we hung out, and we did very little other stuff besides the new year's eve party. Everything was great, and I am so glad she came.

On other news, Sam and I are trying to be better at eating and spending by trying to eat in during the week. There was a big grocery store trip today in order to prep for that. It should be fine. I am also suggesting that we drink out a little less and when we do that we don't actually need to buy drinks for everyone else every round or so.

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