Monday, January 19, 2009


Because you know my life needed my job to be totally sucky and kind of bogus after suffering through the hard bits in my personal life, it decided to try to kill me with stupidity and misery all rolled up into one.  There is a trade show in Miami Beach and it has been a disaster at every, every every EVERY front.  Not even joking.  Nothing has gone right, well, or smoothly and all of it has made my life miserable.  Now I take full responsibility for a few things that yeah, they should land at my door and I have been owning them.  They are relatively small wrinkles in this ocean of crashing hellish waves and actually would not have been rippling if other people had held up any tiny little part of their ends of the deal or been anything but totally procrastinative.
So yeah, Friday 4pm almost left thinking you know part time retail and busboy is better than this (because that was the moment lots of things just evaporated/disintigrated without warning), but I thought Monday can only be better main boss who I was very mad at is a whole time zone away and schmoozing which means he will NOT be talking with me, and he will be gone a week which is just totally awesome since right now I kind of want to kill him and that will definitely be time enough for me to calm down.  But was today better.  No.  No it was not.  MORE things went wrong that should not have gone wrong again if other people here had even partway done their own freaking job ad the only way I could have fixed it would have been to literally use them as a puppet to do their own job or if I did it for them, but I was already busy doing some of their job and you know MY OWN.  So yes, today worse.   Really would like a day that doesn't totally suck.  That would be great.  And at this point it doesn't even have to be a good day and will still be better than this.  By a lot!
Tomorrow seeing Spamalot!  Here is hoping that will assist in the bettering of my day.


chrissy. said...

oh, heather. that sucks so very hard. i would hug you but you're in a different state.

Heather K said...

yeah this trade show is the disaster that would not die and the people who screwed it up get punished with a few days in a resort in Miami Beach. Because it still managed to make my day suck on Wednesday.

Thank you for the hug though. I do appreciate ehugs if I can't get real ones.