Monday, October 26, 2009

Seriously feeling not cool

I think it is likely to be sinusitis (or sinus infection) because I have headache and nausea and some slight teeth and jaw pain and some tenderness and pain around the eyes, so yes I will be calling my doctor to see if I can get in and get some serious decongestants to clear this shit up.



Sally said...

Ugh. You poor thing. How trememdously unpleasant. I hope you feel LOTS better soon.

Word verifier: slortne
Which I'm guessing is one of the sounds you make when you blow your nose right now.

Sally said...

I will say that my sinus infections all go away each time I stop eating dairy products. I have decided that's not a coincidence.

Heather K said...

I wasn't going to look for antibiotics, mostly for a drug I usually get that clears the sinuses up that works better for me than some of the over the counter stuff because it seems not to make me totally nuts.

And to get her frame of reference for it, so I can figure out if mine are more chronic than recurring.

Heather K said...

I do an over the counter saline solution called Ocean but I don't totally go all out neti pot, but I use the dispenser in a similar manner.

I use claritin (or a generic) and claritin D if I need to get serious (or the same kind of generic). My sinus troubles seem to be triggered by allergies and have very seasonal changes.

Sudafed makes me an insane person, so even though it does dry things out it makes me so crazy that I cannot handle it except in very very rare cases.

I also use those eucalyptus shower discs that dissolve and let the shower fill with hot eucalyptus-y air and they are totally awesome, so awesome I would just shower with them because they are nice.

Sally said...


Jim said...

Hmm, I second Sally's question. I'd be interested to try those, too.

I hope you're feeling better by now. :)

word verification= "exersz" No clever comment for this one; I think it's just the internet shorthand for exercise.

Heather K said...

The shower discs I just bought at Walgreen's. They are called SudaCare and Jim they might even be at your Target. You get them in like the cold/flu/sinus section. Other drug stores probably have them and maybe some grocery stores too.