Monday, September 14, 2009

Gay Fish Y'all

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye sweetie pie.  Please learn to respect those around you.  You are not the boss of everything, and sometimes life disappoints you and you just have to get over it and move on without crapping in someone's pool over it.
Also, Washington State, please get over your damn self and do not cloak the signees for the hate initiative that wants to get on the ballot.  If you feel so strongly for something that you would sign a petition like that, you do so with the assumption and knowledge that it will be a matter of public record (that is the point of the f'ing petition, to show public support).  If later that turns out to be embarassing to you, maybe you did the wrong f'ing thing! 
That is all.


Heather K said...

So I actually have to update this to give Jay Leno a hand for asking Kanye last night how he thought his dead mother would feel about this behavior, and Kanye was appropriately shamed and choked up. Please Kanye, learn a lesson from this.

Sally said...

Seriously? I can't believe Leno had the cojones. Good for him.

I used to be a fan of Kanye, before he started being such an ass. Now, I can't listen to his stuff without thinking about his behavior.

As a society, I wish we could ignore people when they start behaving badly, instead of rewarding their antics. They only do it because they crave attention. Ignoring them would not only make it clear that some things aren't appropriate, it would get them out of the news so we wouldn't have to hear or read about them.

It works with kids.

chrissy. said...

impulse control is not one of his stronger suits. autotune, however, is. ;)