Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Holy comment drama

I mean, really. Wow.

I promise to shut up and quit being whiny.

I really should be cleaning my room. Or paying my bills or fucking sleeping, but I am chatting with my friend Matt, the sailor.

I should maybe be sleeping.

I am seeing the clowns tomorrow.

I need to go.


Heather K said...

I am still not asleep and my room is not clean. I am however still lame.

chrissy. said...

everybody votes hump!

Heather K said...

I know, except for Sally, who says, wait I think he has a girlfriend.

I vote hump, unless he has a girlfriend. That is a whole 'nother thing. Working on figuring that out. I might have to recruit spies.

Anonymous said...

Actually, bekkers, I voted "rock the boy's world."

Unless he has a girlfriend.

In which case, she should rock the girlfriend's world just to get back at him.


Heather K said...

Things I wonder, how long has tbert (no internal punctuation) been reading my blog?

Jim said...

Better question would be, "Why isn't he wearing pants?"

laurenj said...

you are the second person this week in my regular blog reading who has spontaneously apologized for being whiny, even though neither of you were being whiny, you were being thoughtful and reflective.

Don't apologize! Embrace the complexity of to-hump-or-not-to-humpness!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading ever since Chrissy sold you out.

Heather K said...

When did Chrissy sell me out? And by sell me out do you mean, just posted a link to my blog on her blog.

I would actually link to all my loyal readers blogs here, but I just haven't had the time to take to do that since I decided I should steal that concept from other blogs (like Chrissy's, Jim's and others),

To Lauren, maybe I should just apologize to my roommates. I am sure they would term me as whiny.

Anonymous said...

The secret superhero origin of how Chrissy sold Heather out:

T: I need to start meeting good-looking girls. You're a lady, you should know some. Preferably with big cans.

*note that there was zero time between these two statements*

B: Well, there's Heather.

And that's why it was the best Flag Day ever.