Monday, June 18, 2007


Seeing the head of my grad school theatre department and his wife was outstanding. They are lovely, and we kind of surprised him for his birthday by making more people show up out of nowhere. We talked and laughed and drank, and had a marvelous time.

Then he gave me permission to kick people out of the theatre company we are starting because not everyone is helpful, and the person driving the boat needs to know that. I love him.

I also saw Chris Jozwiak. I am to tell everyone that he is a real, live socialist. Plus he bought dinner. I love him. He and Em and Holly and I bonded. He and I are plotting a terrorist action against a certain evil spawn we all know and hate. It was fantastic.

My weekend was fantastic, I love my life. I also love my dearest friends. I love the ones I get to see and the ones I am with through our blogosphere and all of them. No matter what stupid crap happens to or between them.


Anonymous said...

I hope that your blog gets tagged by the CIA and the NSA because you are admitting to planing terrorist actions.

I hope this in a joking manner, but not so joking that I'm going to sign this comment with my actual screen name

who could I be?!?!?!

Heather K said...

Frighteningly enough, I had not thought about that. I am just flippant and glib. Maybe the CIA and NSA will read this comment.

I am guessing that it is Al Bush commenting there.

Heather K said...

Or Donald or Jim. Or Lauren for that matter. Well, now I am just listing the readership of my blog.

Except Margaret and Robyn, I don't think they would wish this on me, or Sally. Maybe? I seriously don't know.

But if anyone would wish to contact me about the above 'threats' I am totally willing to tell them the story of the broken marriages and relationships and total bitchiness of the satan spawn to which I refer.

Robyn said...

HAHAHA, I am now totally imagining you explaining the spawn to the CIA

Heather K said...

That would be truly awesome. They would understand, and maybe they would even help come up with ways to help us get her.

Or they would elect her as their queen?

laurenj said...

It was me!!!! glad to keep everyone guessing...but then I realized that it would probably only take the CIA about 30 seconds to figure out who I was if they wanted to, cunning bastards that they are.

and why don't YOU come HERE?!?!?!

Although I would like to visit Chicago...I've never been...maybe in the fall after all the sibling wedding/in-law vacation/far-away conference craziness

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you thought I would out you to the CIA. I have a reputation as an upstanding citizen to maintain, after all. It just wouldn't do to place my own friends under suspicion.

Of course, I do have an FBI file. So they'd know I was actually okay, if they went so far as to check up on me.

Heather K said...

No, Sally you misread. I thought that you and Margaret and Robyn probably wouldn't out me. Possibly.

Upon reflection, from the voice of the writing I should've suspected Lauren much earlier on.

-al said...

yeah, seriously, that sounded nothing like me.
Also, when listing your readership in posts about 'plotting terrorist action,' i'd prefer it if you'd refrain from using my name.
I'm really not wanting to wind up on a watch list.