Monday, April 20, 2009

Suggestilbe illness

After Saturday night out with the parents, Sam and his mom were both very sick all day Sunday.  Sam is still feeling awful, not sure about his mom, but I feel fine and so does Sam's dad.  I still feel fine here at work.  Last night I was getting phantom stomach pains, or rather I was convinced any sort of any feeling near my stomach was pain that was the beginnings of what Sam had.  But I was also fairly certain they were not actual pains.  I think part of me just wanted a really good excuse for a sick day.  If I were less totally lazy, it would be awesome to work from home.  However I am realistic about  myself enough to know that working from home would equal not working while at home.  I doubt that is sustainable business model.  Although I do have daydreams where I became a "succesful" romance novel author where I work like 4 hours a day four or five days a week and make enough to not do any other work.  I don't even think I would need to be rich just making what I do now or a little more. 
I suppose that if I really think I could make a go at that I should get serious about writing a novel or two.  Right now that business is booming, and they are a business always on the hunt for new authors.  Maybe I should see if I could get one written by my birthday.  Even if it is bad, I could say I wrote a novel before my 30th birthday.  This is a good plan, now I must work on being committed enough to said plan to see it through.  I could start with my Jamie/Paul prototype chapter teaser.


sally said...

As a four-time NaNoWriMo participant (two-time winner, and then I just got too busy for November to be a good nano-ing month for me), I would be happy to cheer you on and mentor you through the 30 day writing process.

Heather K said...

Did you do it with that just by setting word count goals daily and weekly to however many K seemed a good novel length.

sally said...

Yep 1667 words a day gets you to 50K words in 30 days. I'll email you this awesome tracking chart that lets you see progress in wonderful ways.

I'll warn you. The first week is rockin'. You could write forever. This is no big deal! Why haven't I done this before?

And then week 2 hits and you would rather die than work on your novel. But if you just keep plugging along, you'll get there. Week 3 is when you realize that you actually can do this and it's mostly downhill from there.

The great thing about NaNoWriMo is that there's all kinds of energy from all the other participants and they have pep talks from famous authors and you can get together with other local writers and just work.

But November turns out to be a shitty month for people in academia to write novels. At least, for THIS person in academia. So I ran out of steam halfway through novels 3 & 4.

Anyway, you can certainly do it any time of year, and I'm happy to help out in whatever ways I can. I certainly can't do it this year, but NEXT spring or summer (or January) I might be induced to do it with you so that we can have that extra energy that comes with not doing it alone.

Heh. My verification word is juseli, which is what you get when you accidentally pour OJ on your cereal instead of milk.

sally said...

And may I direct your attention to They're all about the industry.

Heather K said...

YAY!!! Thanks Sally!