Friday, April 10, 2009

TBTL thanks Me!!!

For help with a segment on kanye west wanting to be a better person after being lampooned by southpark.  Anyway.  It made my rather crappy day better.  Crappy because people at work might need to occasionally give me all the information to deal with a sticky situation instead of just enough information to hang myself.  Awesome.  Only three more hours at work.


sally said...

So by "thanks Me" do you mean they said, "We'd like to thank Heather for blahblahblah?" because that's kind of really totally awesomely cool.

The book my name is in, by the way, is The Family Man by Elinor Lipman, and it's due out NEXT MONTH. You should totally buy it. My name is in it. Plus, of course, she's one of my favorite authors and I think you'd really enjoy her work.

Heather K said...

That is exactly what they did. We want to thank listener Heather a Chicago Ten for emailing this. They said it two times!!! I was freaking out.

I will try to buy that book, although since next month is a rehearsal month I may not get to read it until June.