Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Hate Being Sick

Okay, so I am posting again today, but this time from my house instead of Patrick's. I am sick, but I was productive. I paid some bills, and I applied for like 20 jobs online--some of them at temp agencies--so we shall see how things go because I need to make more money like yesterday.

Two days ago on the train, I was waiting on the platform and there were bomb sniffing dogs and like 6 or 7 cops and hardly any people on the opposite platform. I found this strange. Also, on Saturday two cops got on the bus Patrick and I were riding for like ten stops and just sat there in full cop gear and rode the bus. Again, strange. Was there some threat this weekend that elevated the patrolling or what? It was weird big city life things, like when I lived in NYC in fall 2001 and would see military and national guard personnel on the streets with very large guns just standing there.

Things I think about when left to my own devices too much. Plus I am going to buy a lotto ticket tonight. 18 million bucks could be mine if I win. I would pick that over a new job. I would get a sweet apartment and pay off all my college loans and credit card debt. It would be great. I could get an ipod, a 60 gig one even. Yes! I will tell you all tomorrow if I win.

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