Sunday, June 28, 2009

Birthday post: 30

So I am 30. For sure. So far it feels exactly like 29.

Last night's birthday extravaganza was awesome! Seriously wonderful food at Graham Elliot which included a couple of dishes that I wanted to keep on my tongue forever they were so incredible (Kung Pao Sweetbreads with sesame sauce and chili sauce and peanut brittle which tasted in credible no matter how scary it sounds and the dessert of Darjeeling panna cotta with lychee and raspberry yummies and sunflower seed shortbread ooh and ginger sorbet)! Sally and David go eat here once you live here, well worth the train downtown. They even put a candle on the dessert plate. Very sweet.

The limo was great and no vomiting. Everyone had a great time talking and laughing. We got to Navy Pier with just enough time to get on the boat which was a speedboat which added to the sparse rain meant face massage by raindrops. It was crazy and so ridiculous that it made it a better time than if we would've had lovely weather, and then there were fireworks right in front of us and the skyline off to our left. It was beautiful and exactly what anyone could hope it to be. Then we walked back to Sam's along the lake for some snacks and some camaraderie (and we stayed up late all discussing possible end of the world disasters and we discovered that Jared knows big geology words because his dad is a geologist).

Today I was almost too pooped to do anything, so there was much napping and watching of tivo'd stuff. Oh and reading. . . on my new Kindle!!! Which I love! I haven't put too much onto it yet being a little short of cash, but I put the free books Sally recommended, plus every free book I could find that seemed appealing to me including a crap ton of trashy cheapo romance novels. Yeah, that's right, and the best part is that no one will ever have to know I am reading them on the El anymore. I also downloaded the Kindle app for the iphone to my iphone touch, so that I can put book I am currently reading on them and read that if I leave the kindle behind.

Funny story, my mom was on a teacher trip for most of the last week and one of the women on the trip had a Kindle. My mother had never heard of one until that moment, and she saw it and thought, oh my God Heather would love this soooo much I should call Sam and tell him because it would be the perfect birthday present. So when I told her that he got it for me, she screamed. Hilarious.


Sally said...

I didn't know any of those were free. What have I been missing? There are free Kindle books?

Heather K said...

Yes there are some free kindle books. I don't think any of the ones on your list were free though, but I downloaded Samples to remind me to get them.

If you go to the Kindle store and type Kindle Freebie a bunch of things show up and like 90% of them are free. There are some public domain books (so I have Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice as well as Frankenstein and some Sherlock Holmes), and a lot of trashy el cheapo romance novels and some fantasy novels seemed to be the bulk of it.

Sally said...

AWESOME. I shall go looking.

Jim said...

Bring this with you to the reunion. I am officially curious, but still wary.

Heather K said...

Oh, it will soooooo be coming to the reunion. Also I love it and think it is awesome.

Also, the main drawback is that I can't use it to check out ebooks from the library because of the DRM stuff. Because Amazon wants you to buy their books. But I can put my scripts from the ville on it making it much easier to lug my script around for line memorization. Obviously I will need the real one for rehearsal.