Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Watching an old show

I started watching Homicide Life on the Street last night.  It is based on a book by the guy who made The Wire which is really genius brilliant television if you watch it long enough to let it into you.  Homicide is really good too, although I guess this changes midway through its whole life as it became too much regular tv, but I like it right now.
Sam relapsed again.  I told him I don't want to speak to him and will not speak to him until he has started AA.  He left me a voicemail while drunk, so I didn't speak to him this morning, I left him a voicemail and sent him an email saying that I am done talking to him.  I imagine he hasn't gotten that yet because he is still sleeping it off.  I am pissed off and exhausted by all this.  I met my breaking point, so I will stay strong on this.  I am looking into Al-Anon and listening to some podcasts. 


Sally said...

What a tough place to be. I'm so sorry you're going through this. But you are right, you have to stand firm on what you need.

Heather K said...

Thank you who read this for all your support, in the comments and out. It means a lot to me.

Heather K said...

Update: He is attending a meeting tonight, so after he is done he is going to give me a call, and we'll talk and see what happens from there.

Yes I realize that I kind of blackmailed him into it.

Margaret said...

Blackmail is appropriate at times. :)

chrissy. said...

hey, its not really blackmail or anything, he just needs to understand that you're serious about not supporting his drinking - but supporting his RECOVERY. he needs to understand what he has to lose. e

Sally said...

Hear here to what Chrissy said. And Margaret.

I'm glad he's going.

Jim said...

It's not blackmail if it's reality.

Word Verification: "suffery" = What you are experiencing.