Sunday, April 22, 2007

Beautiful Weather

That is what we have here in Chicago. It is literally hot when I walk to and from work, and I have had no need of a coat or even a sweatshirt. It is however also windy, in a dirty and a little bit gritty sort of way.

My flex shift was canceled today, so I went to work for a five hour shift, had some Chipotle and came home. Now I am blogging, recharging my ipod, listening to the latest Grey's Anatomy podcast, and thinking about the shit I should be getting done. Later today I plan to run a little (the cold weather has nixed that for the last few weeks), get some stuff at the local drug store, finish some blockbuster movies (so I can get another), pay some bills, and call it good. Oh and shower (that goes with the running).

I wish I had more interesting things to talk about. Well, I have other things to talk about, but I don't want to put them out in the blogoshpere since really all it is is whining. I don't really want to be whiny, even though it seems almost always to be inevitable. Whining happens, especially when you can't do too much about what you would like to fix, and I am stopping now before I get really going at the whining.

OOOOooooohhh, new Heroes tomorrow (for the first time in nineteen freaking years or something), and my house is a little worried about the Peter Petrelli "death" because I live with two very big, very committed, very passionate Milo Ventimiglia fans, and his impending 'possible' doom is kind of worrying them. However, I bet he can fix himself with his Claire powers. That is my prediction for this week. (Also the name Ventimiglia always makes me think of the 'venticelli' slow news day episode from Sports Night where they talk about the little winds that bring good news).

1 comment:

Heather K said...

Me neither also, my friend Chris reminded me about what future hiro said way, way earlier about the scar.