Saturday, April 28, 2007

On the cover

Today as I was walking to Pier 1 for work, I saw a picture of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes-Cruise on the cover of some tabloid-y-type magazine. It was proclaiming their imminent break-up (because that is what they do), and I thought, well yeah, Tom Cruise is probably a serious whack job, and I do think it is weird that Katie Holmes married him and had his baby, but isn't it possible that the look of utter irritation on each of their faces is directed at the paparazzi swarming them while they are in their car and not at each other?

Now, I would find the Cruise annoying probably mere moments after meeting him, but if she married him we can all hope that that isn't true. However being stalked by hoardes of paparazzi would definitely be annoying, and as Katie-Tom is a big get, they probably have some of the most stalkers. How many of those annoyed pictures are not of an unhappy with each other couple but of unhappy with annoying stalker/cameramen people? What don't we see on the other side of the lens and just outside the edges of the picture? How many other possible explanations are there for what we see?


Anonymous said...

Worse: they knows that their pictures, the worst, will end up on the cover of the tabloids

tabloids are criminals: so imoral that it's illegal.

I will marry Tom anyday. I don't care of anybody,anything. I do MY stuff with him...

Anonymous said...

If you've ever seen paparazzi video of a celebrity, you know it's horrifying. They have to shove their way through a crowd of people with cameras. No space to breathe, no opportunity for quiet. It's like a damn rugby scrum. There's even a recent pic of Britney Spears driving down a highway in a convertible and there are 10 or so paparazzo vehicles following her.

The wonder is more celebs don't lose control and pelt them with groceries ala Hugh Grant.