This was going to be a shiny happy post about how much fun the general convivial drunkeness that was Sara and Jon's wedding shower--a highlight was the hot dog eating contest (not what you think) and the soon-to-be-wed game (frequently interrupted by Sara to clarify what Jon's answers should really be). It was fantastic and fun, and I am still picking up after it this morning, but there is a pall cast.
Last night a sniper fired shots at the Latah County Courthouse from the Presbyterian Church where he barricaded himself inside and then shot himself. The Presbyterian church is across the street from my old apartment in Moscow where I lived for 18 months. Literally across the street. Not kitty corner (that was the courthouse), but across the street. My old block was barricaded with people asked to stay in their house. This was last night, as I was on the phone with an old friend from Moscow (who used to live right around the corner from me--he has since moved).
Most of the students have left, so it is just the townies, but I cannot imagine how people in Moscow must feel right now. Sally, I hope you and Dave were both safe and sound in your corner of the town. So, my thoughts are with Moscow and all of its inhabitants.
Where's Beebo?! There she is!!!
12 years ago
We were fine. Are fine.
I haven't been downtown yet. I was shopping there just yesterday and swearing at idiots who chose to stand in the crosswalks and chat as though the middle of Main was an extension of the Farmer's Market. Pretty standard stuff for a Saturday, really. I don't particularly want to go down there to see how it's changed...
Dave said there's quite a pile of flowers building up at one of the barricades. We're both wishing someone would post a picture of Officer Newbill so we could figure out who he was. I'm betting it will be a full house for the funeral.
Angie Renaldo says she has met him--he used to come talk to many of the RA classes.
I hope he has a full house for his funeral.
Also, it made the Chicago area news as an episode of violence in a place more usually known for peace.
I expect his funeral will be overflowing with mourners. No word yet on who the other dead or wounded are. They're refusing to name people until the press conference tomorrow at 11am, though I've heard rumors. So far, nobody I know.
It's very somber here. People smile at each other, but they're not open smiles. And we are, indeed, the lead story on right now. So MANY people have heard about it at this point. Though, oddly, not a single member of either of our families has called. We're guessing they just haven't been watching the news.
I don't have much to say. I just hope too many people weren't hurt or killed. And I'm glad you don't live there anymore, Heather.
When the pastor of the church released the caretakers name, I knew exactly who it was. He would smile and wave every morning or afternoon that I saw him on my walks to and from school.
Oh Heather, I'm so sorry.
I nearly started crying on the street when I read his name in the paper today. Somehow, it took this morning to connect 'caretaker' with nice old man Paul who always waved at me.
That any of this happened is just so awful. Awful for the victims, awful for the shooter who somehow got to the point where this was something he did, because it does not seem to me that he could be a sane person. Those were not acts of sanity.
No. They weren't. I agree.
I watched the press conference this morning. He'd been involuntarily committed in February for attempting suicide (overdose). He told the doctor there that he wouldn't kill himself that way. If he was going to do it, he said, he'd take a bunch of people out with him. With a gun or a bomb, he said. When a second doctor interviewed him later, he backed off from those statements, saying he didn't really mean it.
Apparently, he did really mean it. I wish there was a way to tell when a person really is over the edge. Something legally admissable, you know?
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