Sunday, April 02, 2006

Beautiful Day, Sleepless Night

It was gorgeous out today! Lovely, wonderful, perfect! Also I have West Wing to look forward too--even if Leo dies--and some Donna and Josh hanky-panky. Maybe even some Extreme Makeover Home Crying Edition while the taping is happening. Maybe.

Last night I stayed up all night. I got off work late and then went to Patrick's for his last night in town before a little spring break trip home to Michigan. He needed to clean up the apartment for his return home with his nephew (who is 5) later in the week. I thought he would be mostly done cleaning and packing before I got there, but he hadn't started, so I ended up helping him a bit and just spending time with him. It was nice, but the next thing we knew it was 5something in the A.M.--no thanks to daylight savings time--and there would be no sleeping. I was going to see him off at the train station, but he ended up taking a taxi, and I just saw him off as I left to catch a bus home. I get to meet his nephew next time I see him.

Also, I am trying to write some of my stories down in a David Sedaris inspired style memoir collection thing, so if any of you out there have any particular memories of one story or more that particularly tickle you, remind me, so I know which ones are the really good ones.


Jim said...

I can't recall any stories, but if you're in the mood I'd be curious to read your memoirs.

Heather K said...

Sweet. As I write things down it would be nice to have someone to send them to. I will probably post some of the stories here too.