Tuesday, April 18, 2006

First things first

Yesterday at work we called 911, but it wasn't exciting. A mentally challenged adult collapsed outside the store for a moment, and then came inside and had some water and sat down until the EMT's came for him. I forgot to tell that story yesterday.

Today (this is angry ranting) I was told to not sit on the floor while I put together a stool. This stool does not even come to my knee in heighth which means while screwing the screws in I had to lean over that much. This was bullshit! I sit on the floor at work frequently but not inappropriately. Sometimes that is the only way you can put glasses away or get them out (we have shelves that low), and it is often the best (or at least the most comfortable by a significant margain) way to put things together. When I am doing those things, that is what I do. I can't kneel very long with my but on my heels because I have flat feet and they cramp really badly when bent that way. Sitting crosslegged is the only way I can do it. Also, for real what the FUCK is wrong with sitting?!!! Only for a few minutes and while not neglecting my work, I ask you? Uhh!

I feel rather befuddled with life lately. I generally feel like I am a fairly intelligent person, but life seems to just get me. Why can't I seem to figure out the regular things in life, like finding a decent job? Finding a career at 26 with a Master's degree shouldn't be this hard, should it? I was going to include relationships in there with regular things, but very few people I know are actually any good at figuring that one out, so that one isn't just me I don't think.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

When I was working the inventory job, they would encourage us not to sit. But when the shelf you are counting is a ground level, there is no other way! It was a stupid job anyway.