Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Monday the Fire Department, today the police

Ok, so we didn't call the police today; we just talked to one when she came into the store to shop as we were trying to solve the problem. What problem?

A man brought to our attention that on the street side of our store here was a dog locked in a pick-up truck without the windows cracked. It wasn't a super hot day, but it was warm enough to worry about it. However, the man himself could do nothing but bring it to our attention since he was deaf and unable to speak. He wrote this down. My manager Liz and I had no idea what to do. I thought about calling animal control or an animal center, but I didn't think this was the job for the same people who kill rats and pick up stray dogs. Just then the policewoman came in, and she called animal control. However, all they could do was come by and put a notice on the car window. They couldn't break in. Good news, the dog was alive and moving the last time we checked on him out our window, and then the truck was gone.

Seriously, what next? Is a circus going to come into our store?

1 comment:

Jim said...

I'm betting on the Chinese Acrobats.