Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I think I heard a story today to rival some of my usuals, and--for the record--it has nothing to do with me. One of my coworkers at my new gig only recently learned how to peel a banana correctly. I assume that most of you out there peel your bananas from the top (because it has the nice easy piece that breaks away), and it may not even occur to you to peel them from the bottom. He however had spent his whole life peeling them from the bottom (don't ask me how it never occured to him to use the other side). He is 24 and he only learned the new way a few weks ago when one of his siblings saw someone peel a banana (dare I say) the right way on a cooking show. This begs the question, why would you work so hard for so little payoff?


Jim said...

"When one of his siblings ..." Now, I'm imagining an entire family of misguided children who've been warped by their parents radical views toward fruit.

Jim said...

That makes it funnier, but only because "Mexican" is more interesting than white.

Anonymous said...

why would you work so hard for so little payoff?

God knows, but people do it all the time in relationships.

Anonymous said...


Heather K said...

This story still cracks me up. 24 years of opening the banana from the wrong end, with no idea there was a wrong end. I am still laughing today.

Jim said...

It occurs to me now ... wouldn't the banana fall out if you successfully removed it from the peel?

Heather K said...

I don't know. I think it is still attached at the top. More it is just the sheer effort that goes into cracking it open from the bottom. Or maybe they actually want it to fall out (although you can peel away the whole peel and get that too).