Thursday, March 01, 2007


I am hoping that the many readers of this blog who are from the tornado-y portion of this country are all safe and secure and so are all their peoples. We just got weird rain and then not rain and then rain again (and back and forth all day), but I see this business about tornadoes, and it makes me worry about my peoples. So, I hope you are all wonderful.

In non-sad related news, I got a new pair of glasses today, or I ordered them. They are similar to the glasses that the character Danny on CSI:NY wears in that they have a thin light metal top frame and are rimless on the bottom. My favorite part is that they are the same prescription, so that means I can alternate them with my current glasses as I feel like it (a thing I have always wanted but have never been able to achieve as my prescription has always changed). So starting sometime next week, who know what I will look like at any given time! I cannot wait.


-al said...

sirens went off at four o'clock in the fucking morning, continued till around 6:30.
after two hours of siren (apparently six feet outside my bedroom window) i was somewhat pissed that the only thing destroyed in my town was my chance of a decent night's sleep.

Jim said...

I'm fine, but my peeps are all messed up. There's marshmallow wherever you look.

-al said...

ba doom 'ching!