Friday, May 08, 2009

Ok, so I didn't write anything again last night

But I had a very full evening of driving all over Chicago to pick up my crew to go see 500 Clown MacBeth which I have seen before and totally love.  Sam, Jamie, and Chris went with me.  Jamie has seen their Christmas show live and this show on DVD, Chris has seen it on DVD, and Sam has nothing of theirs, so it was exciting to watch it with newbies.  It was awesome as it always is with the first half making me laugh so hard that my face hurt before the show itself devolves into serious moments that make me hold my breath and then lose some tears.  But it took up my whole evening, so no writing. 
Tonight however, there is a different agenda.  Tonight I am shooting for at least 1,000 words and another 1,500 tomorrow which means I meet my weekly goal.  Sunday is pretty jam packed, so I am secretly trying to double that amount for each day in order to pad for next week when I will have limited time because of rehearsals and because I am giving up my usual 3 hour Sunday writing window to go see Star Trek with people.
Also I walked all the way to work today.  1.8 miles broken up by a short trip into Dominick's to buy dessert for today's work luncheon.  It was a lovely walk, and I took a little detour through the Lurie Garden in Millenium Park which was cool, lovely, and brimming with Spring flowers this morning.  A wonderful start to the day!


sally said...

Sounds like a lovely way to begin the day. What a nice treat for you. And so much more interesting than doing the same distance on a treadmill.

Jim said...