Monday, May 29, 2006

I fell in the river and sunburned my knees

Yeah, that's right Renee and I tipped the canoe over and fell in, but it was actually quite refreshing and not as freezing cold as I expected it to be. It was fine, and then I got a suburn on my knees only because there were holes in my jeans. It was a quite fun trip, but I feel like I was in the car this weekend for nine millions years. I saw like all of Western and Central Pennsylvania.

I had a really good time though. Meeting Janna and Renees families was very interesting, and it kind of taught me a lot about them. Their families are great, but very different. Plus I got to see cows!!! And farm land, and it was good.


Heather K said...

Renee wants it to be known that she fell in the river saving the beer. Which is true. If she had not saved the beer, there is the possibility that we would have been dry but that the beer would've sunk to the bottom of the river, and we can't have that now can we. Also I was drinking a beer at 10am on the river. Oh yeah! PS it was 9 am in my brain due to the time zone switch.

Margaret said...

Awesome, cows!!!