Friday, January 19, 2007

RIP my computer

Okay, so its time of death has not officially been called, but it won't go past start up without freezing and making bad noises. So, I am not using it, thus the lack of posting and commenting. Umm, am in the market for a new laptop since I will be getting a stupendous refund this year, and will be using the portion that was to go to a trip to Florida on a new computer and some of the portion that was to go to paying down debt on it too. Oh well. Anyway, trying not to rush into buying a new one, but I might have a bead on a good one today on clearance at best buy. We shall see. I am sure I will post very soon if I get me a brand spanking new laptop.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget, my husband works for IBM. They have a friends and family employee discount plan. Let me know if you're interested.

Heather K said...

I thought of that Sally, and if I hadn't found the random great deal at best buy that I did find, I was gonna give you a call and see what would happen from there. Thank you for thinking of me.