Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Job Interview Tomorrow

Everyone please think happy thoughts for me at 5:30pm Central Daylight Time tomorrow. I have the interview with the potential hopeful new job. Unless I completely lose my shit it should go well.

After the crap day work was today, I need a job that is better and not awful. I labeled it reason #189 why I don't want to work at my current job anymore--the culture of backstabbing and spying and faction mentality where you have to be working against somebody else or you ain't working. It was bad, there were blow ups. I honestly can't spend a summer working there. I need to get out and the sooner the better.


Anonymous said...

At first I read the time of your interview as 5:30am, and thought, "Oh, no, sweetie. You don't want to work ANYWHERE that makes you be perfect that early."

I was so relieved when I realized my mistake.

chrissy. said...


Jim said...

I am thinking good thoughts RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous said...

Well? How did it go???

Heather K said...

It went well. I think. I mean it was with 3 different people, and I kept getting passed up and up the ladder, and it lasted an hour and a half. Plus I think accidentally said all the right things that seem to suggest I would be a good fit.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Keep us posted.